About Us
Keep Thy Teeth is an Australian owned business (ABN 22 566 838 955) operated by a husband and wife team who live in the Sydney metro area. Being long time customers of POH ourselves, we wanted to make their affordable and effective oral hygiene products available at home without people having to purchase huge quantities or pay high international freight costs. So, we became the authorised distributor of POH products for Australia and New Zealand.
Our company name is a reminder that if you want to keep thy teeth (not lose them) then you must keep thy teeth (brush and floss, correctly and daily). Whilst we can provide you with effective personal oral hygiene products to help you accomplish this task, no one can do it for you. The responsibility lies solely in THY hands!
"Dental health service alone, no matter how efficient, does not prevent the loss of teeth. This can be accomplished only by the efforts of the patient himself." - Charles C. Bass, M.D.
POH is used by Preventive Dentists. These are Dentists who have studied the science and art of preventing disease from ever taking hold in the mouth. These Dentists do not want to fill another cavity or pull another diseased tooth. They also want to change Dentistry in the process. Preventive Dentistry is contrary and competing with the Dentistry practiced in the last century.
The science behind our toothbrushes and dental floss was developed by a Medical Doctor, not a Dentist. The products depend on this science. The products also depend on you. You have to clean your teeth properly, every night.
POH was started by my father for two reasons. To make a very fine multi-filament dental floss and a soft bristle toothbrush. In 1961, nobody made them. So, Robert Jones, DDS started POH. I was 4 years old. Today, still and yet, nobody makes a floss or a brush like POH. Now you can have the same kit given out by Preventive Dentist's around the world.
Dr Robert Jones was one of the first Dentist's of his generation to study with Charles Bass, MD. In 1943 Dr. Bass published a paper showing that by cleaning the teeth once a day, teeth will not fall out and cavities will not rot a tooth. Doc Jones and Dr. Bass did not know why every Dentist did not embrace Dr. Bass' findings.
Your teeth were meant to last a life time. They will with proper care. Dad said it many years ago: "The purpose of POH is to help people clean and keep their teeth".
Only you can prevent your teeth from being lost. It is easy, too! Today, too many descriptions, too many detailed "do this" or "do that". Harsh chemicals are unecessary. You don't need mouthwash, either. Toothpaste? Nope. All you need to do to prevent cavities and gum disease is clean your teeth every single night before bed. Not twice a day, or after every meal, or the like. Once, before bed, is sufficient. Just the mechanical action of a toothbrush and floss disrupting and disorganizing plaque is all you need.
If ones teeth are kept clean this way daily, and the bacterial plaque are disrupted and disorganized sufficiently, these two diseases are prevented. Completely.
Don't "fight tooth decay". Prevent it from happening in the first place.
Gum disease too.
This little secret is all you need. POH can help. Try POH today.
To your dental health,
Robert G. Jones II
Oral Health Products, Inc.
The diseases known to dentists as caries and periodontal disease are the result of acids excreted by oral plaque, which is an undisturbed bacterial colony coating the teeth.
Many, many little organisms, too numerous too count, inhabit our mouth. They are a part of our world as we are a part of theirs. The microscopic organisms in our mouths are used in the cycle of life by helping us digest food. Man lives in harmony with them. When this normal condition gets out of balance, disease occurs. We have both good and harmful microbes constantly living inside our mouths. This is a normal part of a living world.
Modern diets are full of refined carbohydrates that feed the bacterial colonies very well indeed. If one does not clean the teeth (or what Dr. Bass termed disrupt and disorganize these colonies) at least once a day, the bacteria thrive, and organize into harmful plaque.
To support the colony, food has to get in and waste (acid) has to get out. This is accomplished very efficiently by the colony. The waste is directed away from the colony onto the surface of the tooth, and the area below the gum line where a tooth is held in the bone. Over time, this acid production line will produce enough to eat away at the tough enamel surface. Unless they are kept clean...
There are enormous numbers and the greatest variety of bacteria in the human mouth at all times. Others are being introduced frequently with food and drink and fingers. There is no such thing as sterilizing the mouth from bacteria. The goal is to reduce the number of organized bacteria (plaque) on each tooth as much as possible at frequent intervals. This disrupts that colony of bacteria. And remember, what we eat, they eat. And of course they love sugars. All kinds.
Bacteria do not grow in number to any appreciable extent except in the presence of suitable food. Removing remnants of food in cleaning the teeth deprives the bacteria of nutrients and limits their growth. Bacteria can produce the acids which starts tooth decay only when growing in the presence of fermentable carbohydrates. Cleaning the teeth and mouth properly inhibits production of acid by the remaining bacteria.
If one cleans their teeth thoroughly at night before retiring, there follows a period of several hours during which no acid is produced at these vulnerable locations where caries is most likely to occur. It is to gain this longer period of freedom from bacterial growth and acid production which makes it necessary that the teeth be cleaned at night before bedtime.
If, on the other hand, one goes to bed with an uncleaned mouth, a most favorable condition exists for enormous multiplication of bacteria, fermentation of food, and production of acids during the night. The period from the time food is taken in the morning, until time for cleaning the teeth again at night, is not sufficient time for the bacteria to re-organize. Therefore, for the purpose of preventing cavities, it is only necessary to clean the teeth thoroughly at night before retiring.
If, for purposes of personal cleanliness and comfort, one finds it convenient to brush and floss the teeth partially or thoroughly at other times of the day, such as upon arising in the morning and following some or all of the meals during the day, no harm will be done.
Gum disease is caused primarily by the long continued presence of an accumulated mass of bacteria on the teeth at the margin of the gums (gingival crevice), especially between the teeth. Disrupting and disorganizing the mass of bacteria once a day prevents harmful accumulation
It should be clear that to prevent gum disease and to allow existing disease an opportunity to heal, it is absolutely necessary to properly brush and floss every night before retiring to bed.
You can prevent the harmful accumulation of bacterial plaque with the Bass Method of personal oral hygiene. Here is a link to a video made in the 1990's, produced by a Dentist who knew Charles Bass personally. The video may be a little dated, but the information is still as valid today as it ever was.
Credit: http://buypoh.com/howandwhy.html